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A Good Chuckle

Peter Dexter

Well-known member

Peter Dexter

Well-known member
I'm afraid I disagree with you. Removing the color would make the image a lifeless failure.

Who has a camera, tripod and chucking infant? I don't even see a cel phone in the image.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Enlarge the fellow in blue. He does appear to have something very much like a camera with a tripod attached! Am I mistaken?


The infant, I merely deduced from the diagonal cloth over his back, that would fit with “holding an infant@!

As to B&W, just an idea, not any necessity, of course!

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Peter Dexter

Well-known member
You're right Asher, could be but he appears to be gripping the cloth serape and I don't see a neck strap. Maybe part of the moto? Discussion is reminding me of the 1966 film Blowup by Antoniani.
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
You're right Asher, could be but he appears to be gripping the cloth serape and I don't see a neck strap. Maybe part of the moto? Discussion is reminding me of the 1966 film Blowup by Antoniani.
Yes, Peter,

I will never forget it!

Always dreamed of solving a murder by evidence reflected in an old photograph in someone’s eyes!
