If I may voice a comment about the form of the video: I was a bit upset because, to me, the rhythm of the music does not feel in sync with the picture changes, or so I thought at first. But I checked, and you (or Tatiana) actually synchronized pictures and music. So why was my feeling different?
After further watching, I think the feeling comes from the transitions. You decided to fade to black between pictures. That is perfectly fine as such and there are probably plenty of reasons why you thought that the transitions between pictures should fade to black. But in doing so, you actually added another "picture": the black screen and the feeling is that there are twice as many pictures as there are musical phrases.
I am posting this because you and Tatiana probably see it differently as theses are your pictures. But maybe the intended public will be as disoriented as I was, so you may want to ask a few other people about their opinion or, maybe, present a version without the fades to black and simple cross dissolves.