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Diary #Stayhome #COVIDー19 #Restecheztoi

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Samedi 4 avril 2020
#Restecheztoi #Stayhome #COVIDー19
Fil mis à jour tous les jours avec une photo confinée jusqu’à la fin du confinement !
Thread updated every day with a confined photo until the end of the confinement!



nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Dimanche 5 avril 2020
#Restecheztoi #Stayhome #COVIDー19
Fil mis à jour tous les jours avec une photo confinée jusqu’à la fin du confinement !
Thread updated every day with a confined photo until the end of the confinement!



nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Lundi 6 avril 2020
Fourth week of confinement. Starting the 3rd week of confined photos already.
#Restecheztoi #Stayhome #COVIDー19
Thread updated every day with a confined photo until the end of the confinement!


Raining day...

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Mardi 7 avril 2020
#Restecheztoi #Stayhome #COVIDー19 #mercilessoignants
Thread updated every day with a confined photo until the end of the confinement!


Sunrise thru a window...​

Doug Kerr

Well-known member

Those are just wondrous. You bring joy to us in these dark times.

Stay safe!

Nous restons aussi chez nous.

Best regards,


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator

Those are just wondrous. You bring joy to us in these dark times.

Stay safe!

Nous restons aussi chez nous.

Best regards,

Thank you Doug!
Kind comments help to keep going, it's a real challenge to find a new photo every day while staying home! (we're lucky enough to live in an apartment with a terrace ont top of the XVIIIe century building) :)

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Mardi 7 avril 2020
#Restecheztoi #Stayhome #COVIDー19 #mercilessoignants
Thread updated every day with a confined photo until the end of the confinement!


A barely opened door

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Jeudi 9 avril 2020
#Restecheztoi #Stayhome #COVIDー19 #mercilessoignants
Thread updated every day with a confined photo until the end of the confinement!

A little bit of blue

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Vendredi 10 avril 2020
#Restecheztoi #Stayhome #COVIDー19 #mercilessoignants
Thread updated every day with a confined photo until the end of the confinement!


Strange smoke…

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Dimanche de Pâques 12 avril 2020
#Restecheztoi #Stayhome #COVIDー19 #mercilessoignants #gestebarrière #staysafe #followtherules

Thread updated every day with a confined photo until the end of the confinement!


The Lonely Virgin and the Infant on top of the Pey Berland Tower (Saint André's Cathedral)

An "offering" to all believers from an atheist…
Last edited:

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
That is quite amazing a sculpture. It shows the Virgin Mary with a silk mask over her facez

When I was studying old Armenian Christian images, I did see some of Christian woman with such unusual masks!

But I don’t think that Orthodox Churches practice devotion to Mary, otherwise I might think thatvthr. Hutch was Armenian!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Yes, a veiled virgin is part of the accepted expressions. This is from about 1850 in Rome!


Brilliant artist! The veil is solid marble but it appears transparent!