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Diary #Stayhome #COVIDー19 #Restecheztoi

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
That is quite amazing a sculpture. It shows the Virgin Mary with a silk mask over her facez

When I was studying old Armenian Christian images, I did see some of Christian woman with such unusual masks!

But I don’t think that Orthodox Churches practice devotion to Mary, otherwise I might think thatvthr. Hutch was Armenian!

Ici, on la voit de dos ! Le voile est donc normal…

There is a view from the other side:

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nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
lundi 13 avril 2020
#Restecheztoi #Stayhome #COVIDー19 #mercilessoignants #gestebarrière #staysafe #followtherules
Thread updated every day with a confined photo until the end of the confinement!


Dark days

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
mardi 14 avril 2020
#Restecheztoi #Stayhome #COVIDー19 #mercilessoignants #gestebarrière #staysafe #followtherules
Thread updated every day with a confined photo until the end of the confinement!



nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
mercredi 15 avril 2020
#Restecheztoi #Stayhome #COVIDー19 #mercilessoignants #gestebarrière #staysafe #followtherules

Thread updated every day with a confined photo until the end of the confinement!


Golden moments

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
jeudi 16 avril 2020
Album updated every day with a confined photo until the end of the confinement!
Added this one today in the Album :



‪#Restecheztoi‬, ‪#Stayhome‬, ‪#COVIDー19‬, #mercilessoignants, #gestebarrière, #staysafe, #followtherules
Last edited:

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
vendredi 17 avril 2020
‪#Restecheztoi‬, ‪#Stayhome‬, ‪#COVIDー19‬, #mercilessoignants, #gestebarrière, #staysafe, #followtherules

Album updated every day with a confined photo until the end of the confinement!


The neighbors

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
vendredi samedi 18 avril 2020
‪#Restecheztoi‬, ‪#Stayhome‬, ‪#COVIDー19‬, #mercilessoignants, #gestebarrière, #staysafe, #followtherules
Album updated every day with a confined photo until the end of the confinement!


Good question
Switches are (again) there!

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
dimanche 19 avril 2020
‪#Restecheztoi‬, ‪#Stayhome‬, ‪#COVIDー19‬, #mercilessoignants, #gestebarrière, #staysafe, #followtherules
Album updated every day with a confined photo until the end of the confinement!



nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Screen Shot 2020-04-20 à 12.14.20.jpg
is much appreciated, but a few words are going directly to the heart…:)
Thank you anyway for having taken time to visit and stop by!


  • 1587377548357.gif
    42 bytes · Views: 294

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
View attachment 4332 is much appreciated, but a few words are going directly to the heart…:)
Thank you anyway for having taken time to visit and stop by!
My dear friend!

You get a ton of heartfelt words, LOL and “thumbs up”. I often get nothing!


It’s an unusual composition that makes me want to work out what objects, besides the cup, “give-away”, made those light streaks and shadow patterns on the wall?

And on the upper right is that a person’s shadow and keys sticking out of the pocket or just something on a counter that projects so boldly?


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
It’s an unusual composition that makes me want to work out what objects, besides the cup, “give-away”, made those light streaks and shadow patterns on the wall?

And on the upper right is that a person’s shadow and keys sticking out of the pocket or just something on a counter that projects so boldly?

It's made for you to enlarge the viewer's imagination…
Mis à part le support, il n'y a que deux objets : une tasse (which is not a "take away" ;) ) et une cloche à fromage en verre (a glass cheese bell?)