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Review: Exhibition Planned for OPF Photographers, if we're lucky, Nov. 13th to Dec. 13th 2013

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Is that on the longer or shorter side?


You're referring to the 600x600 requirement for submissions or wondering why michael's last picture is 640 pixels high? We just need a size close to that box to make sure the picture can be evaluated and doesn't need resizing for our sorting process.


Paul Abbott

New member
Here are some of my submissions for this exhibition...

Perspectives - National Film Theatre, London '09 - Paul Abbott

Perspectives - Broadgate Tower, London '09 - Paul Abbott

Perspectives - St. Pauls, London '08 - Paul Abbott

Perspectives - City Tower, London '10 - Paul Abbott

Perspectives - Willis Bldg, London '09 - Paul Abbott

Perspectives - Tate Modern (Bankside Power Station), London '09 - Paul Abbott

Antonio Correia

Well-known member
Paul Abbott what a great work you have done !!
Excellent !
Very graphical. I do like the first one for it's symmetry but I also like all the others !...

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Count me in if you think I'm eligible…

Into the "The Spaces humans Make" category







All shots being the Hotel Marques de Riscal - Franck Gerhy Architect

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I'm preparing my submission for the exhibition but must receive everything beforehand.

Please send to me or link for me by Wednesday April 30th Midnight, Los Angeles

London & Setubal, you have until 8:00 am local time next morning!

Amsterdam even one hour added to that!

Riyadh 11 hours into Thursday

Darwin Australia, 16.5 hrs into Thursday


  • Your sets of images that will fit into a 1000 x1000 pixels box. Link or attachment for my download is fine. So that's what I have to submit by May 1st. We can add more pictures later.

  • Your resumé: can upgrade that later. Should have some artist statement, the kind of work you like and motivations and any exhibits, shows, publications uses of your pictures or where posted online. Doesn't need to be any proof you're an established artist or a successful commercial photographer, (valid if true), but a documentation that you are a committed human being who expresses via photography according to your needs, style and wishes. No pretenses are needed. Selected pictures will speak for themselves, within the context of the body of work you submit and then in the framework of the entire exhibit.

  • Video can also be included. (Note Romain Claris). Link or attachment for my download is fine.
Have you come to a final conclusion of what the theme would be? Is it spaces Human's make such as the amazing buildings that people have posted, or can it be smaller, more urban vignette type of images?

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Have you come to a final conclusion of what the theme would be? Is it spaces Human's make such as the amazing buildings that people have posted, or can it be smaller, more urban vignette type of images?

It's a wide interpretation of "spaces". Limits to them for us, by us. Our mark on spaces. Spaces mark on us, personal and public, real and imagined.


Antonio Correia

Well-known member
Thank you Asher for this opportunity to show my work. I am sure others follow me. :)

I am preparing the images. I think I will be able to send them within the next 12 hours.

Best regards :)

Sam Hames

New member






A summary of something I've been thinking about recently - a complement to my earlier winter sun series. (Thinking of calling it summer rain). More details later when my brain decides to work again for words.

Really appreciate you putting all of this together Asher.


Sam Hames

New member
This is the most serious thing I've ever seen you post Tom, and I must say I'm a little scared by that.

It's nice to wander through these - have you been saving them up for a while?


Antonio Correia

Well-known member
I have miscalculated how much time I would spend to prepare and mail the files. I missed that schedule for almost 2 hours... :)

In fact, when I wrote the other post it was just a few minutes after mid-night and I had to go and sleep...

I just sent the files a few minutes ago and I am already preparing the necessary resumé.

I can hardly wait ! :) :)

Thank you again Asher :)

Tom dinning

This is the most serious thing I've ever seen you post Tom, and I must say I'm a little scared by that.

It's nice to wander through these - have you been saving them up for a while?


That's my dark and moody side, Sam. I have a shitload. Dark and moody is my favourite place.
Well, Asher, here is a concept for your spaces theme for your consideration:

Urban Vignettes:

The aim of this set of works is to show how we have a need to inject beauty into our common, everyday lives and living areas that express our individuality. We create personal spaces that engage the senses, the imagination and the spirit.
If chosen, images would be printed by me and professionally matted. Images are typically 11 x 17 matted to approx 20 x 24. Obviously the top one, would be matted to 24 wide but not have the same height as the rest.


Fall in the Garden




The Strawberry Basket


Three Bikes


Bit of Country



Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Yes, you can still submit more series.

I will acknowledge each person once I have logged them in. So far:

Antonio Correia, Michael Nagel ..... wonderful!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Brown: Files all received, may edit resumés
Red: missing resumé,
*need larger images

Adrian Wareham, Loma Linda, California
Antonio Correia, Setubal, Portugal
Ben Rubinstein, Manchester, U.K.
Cem Usakligil, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Chris Callohan, USA
George Holroyd, Paris, France
Jake Klein, Minnesota, USA
Jerome Marot, Munich Germany
Maggie Terlecki Quebec, Canada
Michael Nagel, Munich Germany
Nicolas claris, Bordeaux, France
Paul Abbott, London
Sam Hames, Brisbane, Australia
Sandrine Bascouert
Terry Lee, Atlanta, Georgia
Tom Dinning, Darwin, N.T., Australia

* Need larger pictures: 1000 pixels largest side

Would appreciate very much a brief Resumé, please! Actually it's pretty necessary, LOL and I can't dream up what your life is about, I have enough trouble figuring out mine!

So far.

Thanks for your patience


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Thanks again to everyone, for your offerings, comments and encouragement. We have over 400 pictures submitted and if our collection is chosen for the November's exhibition, then we'd get about 65-70 of these representing us. So there's still a long way to go before any pictures are accepted for this showing. I'll submit our best/most appropriate 100 or so and we'll go from there. We have a strong submission. Art is still a competitive activity, so let's wish for good fortune as well! :)

We'll know June the 1st!
