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Review: Exhibition Planned for OPF Photographers, if we're lucky, Nov. 13th to Dec. 13th 2013

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Thank you Asher (again ! yes again !) for this opportunity even if I am not selected.

Great work Asher ! :)


Thanks for the kind remarks. It was a massive task to get the count down to 133 images. It's literally painful, like killing children. However, after a while, I'd ask, what is the special contribution of this one set of pictures to the rest of the equally amazing images. Then it became clearer. What remains is pretty powerful and pleasing. I will also be looking at different venues now we have a collection, a world view collection under the title, "Our spaces/our planet".


Robert Watcher

Well-known member
I may have missed out - - - but these are 2 sets of mine

Street Insights

(This series at full rez displays a delicate real film feel with washed out edges)


Held Hostage - c)2011 Robert Watcher


Community Involvement - c)2011 Robert Watcher


Contained - c)2013 Robert Watcher


Robert Watcher

Well-known member


Means of Delivery - c)2011 Robert Watcher


Swede vs Nica - c)2013 Robert Watcher


Out for Lunch - c)2013 Robert Watcher


Robert Watcher

Well-known member
Workers In Trade

(7 images included - so far undecided which one to eliminate)


Candy Lady (4 cords) - c)2013 Robert Watcher


Market Fish Seller - c)2012 Robert Watcher


Tile Labour - c)2013 Robert Watcher


Money Changer (Cambista) - c)2012 Robert Watcher


Robert Watcher

Well-known member


Saddle Maker - c)2013 Robert Watcher


Made to Fit - c)2012 Robert Watcher


Walk-By Shoe Repair - c)2013 Robert Watcher


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

It's super to have your pictures too. I'll squeeze them in. So far, no one has been knocked out. A few have just one picture, that's simply so strong that it stands on its own and no one else has touched that aspect of the concept of space.

I am already thinking of additional exhibition locations, irrespective of immediate success on our first foray into the gallery world. So the work we've done and the curating of a balanced presentation will ultimately pay off. Anyway, that's my working hypothesis. :)


Robert Watcher

Well-known member
Age of Innocense


Boy with Mango c) 2013 Robert Watcher


Girl on the Bus c) 2013 Robert Watcher


Returned Older c) 2013 Robert Watcher


Returned Younger c) 2013 Robert Watcher


Robert Watcher

Well-known member


Boy with Dog c) 2013 Robert Watcher


Delivery Boys c) 2013 Robert Watcher


Young Mechanic c) 2013 Robert Watcher




Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I replaced your boring resumé, now in my files, with the :) !!

Thanks for the submission! A lot of happy folks and that's important. Folk having less material goods aren't necessarily miserable for that. Still, there's a lot of opportunity, access to exploiting their own gifts, and health care they miss out on.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Here's my contribution to suggest spaces in the Colburn School of Music, Grand Avenue, Los Angeles.

COLBURN COMPOSITE_MG_6782__MG_6881-99_1000.jpg

I invite you to post here, your own creative assemblages of your won photography, to help show how building are actually used.



Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

It's just a start! The challenge is to let folk feel, after several such composites, what the essence of the exhibit is about, even though some pictures will show people, the very core of our spaces/our planet!


Robert Watcher

Well-known member
Asher - I am confused. Are you now only displaying composite images at this gallery? If so, I don't think that appeals to me and my images - so I will probably just retract my submissions (if I was being considered of course). Thanks.

Jerome Marot

Well-known member
I am a bit surprised as well and I can't really say that this presentation in composition would be my personal choice, but I shall wait and see what Asher suggests.


Well-known member

It's just a start! The challenge is to let folk feel, after several such composites, what the essence of the exhibit is about, even though some pictures will show people, the very core of our spaces/our planet!

Like Robert and Jerome, I too am confused now. Seems like my normal state of mind nowadays, lol.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Like Robert and Jerome, I too am confused now. Seems like my normal state of mind nowadays, lol.

Cem, robert and Jerome and all! :)

Do not be confused. Only several composites will be considered. Just at the entrance, LOL! The actual exhibit is only the pictures as edited and submitted by the artists.



Well-known member
Thanks Asher for the clarification. One other thing I would like to hear about is the selection process. Can you shed some light on how you will be selecting the final set of pictures please? Thanks.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
First, Cem, we'd need to get selected and then hide your images or no one else has a chance, LOL! Actually, it's a terrible job for anyone to do as it's really so painful to look at pictures and then not show everything one loves. I'm planning to supplement the show, if awarded the opportunity, with a section for the exhibition here or a new website. My idea is also to present all the selections with slide shows and also videos. So if anyone has videos related to their images, let me know.

In final choices, balance is needed. However, I'll do my best to represent the forum's efforts fairly with extreme care, input from artists and and my own very imperfect instinct. Some photographers' work is represented by just one unique but important image but others continue with each successive photograph to demand and justify their presence. So I look for reasons to limit such collections, so that what's left becomes really so strong.

However, all the pictures will be reviewed several times independently in case my own judgment is flawed in some lacuna of judgement.

Of course, I'd better also start to look around for back up ideas if we don't win the opportunity this time around. We have to compete. If I could bribe them, I would, LOL, but there are other really talented folk around, dying for this opportunity too. We have a strong submittal. We just have to hope this will do well, first time!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I'm sure everyone is wondering about the exhibition. Well I just received notification that another curators collection of photographers was chosen. However, the pictures were well received and some of us had special mention.

"The committee was impressed with several of the photographers you selected, especially Paul Abbot's architectural spaces, Sam Hames' evocative, narrative photographs, and work by Antonio Correia and Michael Nagel. "

I am working on other possibilities and will keep you updated.

Keep your fingers crossed!

I'm proud of our joint effort. Thanks everyone!


Sam Hames

New member
I'm sure everyone is wondering about the exhibition. Well I just received notification that another curators collection of photographers was chosen. However, the pictures were well received and some of us had spacial mention.

"The committee was impressed with several of the photographers you selected, especially Paul Abbot's architectural spaces, Sam Hames' evocative, narrative photographs, and work by Antonio Correia and Michael Norgel. "

I am working on other possibilities and will keep you updated.

Keep your fingers crossed!

I'm proud of our joint effort. Thanks everyone!


I'll take that - nice to be mentioned.

Thanks for all the effort you've put in Asher.


Paul Abbott

New member
Hey Asher, many thanks and respect for doing something like this. I am only too flattered also, and it makes me happy that a certain audiences eyes like this have seen some of my photography and taken some interest.

Again, many thanks for your efforts, Asher...

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I'm so grateful to everyone here who have been so forthcoming and generous in trusting me with their pictures. I will be continuing in my quest for the exhibition. Your remarks and appreciation are a shot in the arm to boost my own enthusiasm.

Once we get launched, we'll be on our way!



Well-known member
Hi Asher,

Just for your info. Since this opportunity has passed us by, I have decided to remove my submitted pictures from this thread. They were submitted in a format which was according to your requirements and therefore they have lacked my usual framing and copyright text on the pictures. Also, I believe that these one-off projects should be brought to a close anyway.

Thanks again for your efforts to get this rolling.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Thanks for your good words, Cem. Not sure it's over. I'll be meeting again with the gallery shortly and hope to have more info.

Your submission was very strong.
