James Lemon
Well-known member
Thank you James !
I think your portraits are better !
I could say the same about yours Antonio! I do however think that others appreciate our pictures in ways that we ourselves cannot.
Best, regards
Thank you James !
I think your portraits are better !
What a magnificent portrait Doug !
Was it shot in a studio ?
With a M43, perhaps ?...
Hi, Antonio,
Thank you so much. The credit all belongs to the subject!
It was shot in my small office, against a pull-down background (actually, a large white vinyl window shade) in front of the closet doors!
It was shot with a Panasonic FZ1000, a very nice "superzoom" camera (non-interchangeable lens) with a so-called "one inch" size sensor (that is dimensioned under the same convention as for the four-thirds system, so its linear dimensions are 3/4 those of a four-thirds camera.)
The fill flash used was from the built-in flash on that camera.
By the way, there was almost no post-processing on the shot, other for a little bit of cropping and slight "exposure correction" and "fill light", and of course downsizing for presentation on the forum. All that was done in Silkypix Developer Studio, the "full" version of what is provided, in a "lite" version, with that camera.
Best regards,
...I note that at this rehearsal I had neglected to remove my Bluetooth earpiece!... Doug
Thanks for all that.The portrait is very well done ! The photographer is great indeed and so is the camera.
Very alert!I noticed at once your earpiece
Superb subjects and portraits, Doug,
..... and it shows that it's the light and the photographer not the fancy camera that counts here!
Take more pics of her tattoos! Made in " Terlecki Blue"!
Available light. Behind me a plastic where the Sun was spotting. Behind her, another plastic. On the left side open area. On the right, a neutral wall.
Work done in LR and CC Leica lens (42.5) on Oly body (5 Mark II)
Hi, Asher,
Thanks so much.
Here is a shot from a rehearsal of a production in late summer of 2016:
Douglas A. Kerr: Keddy rehearsing for "My Civic Duty" 1
And another in that same context, contralateral:
Douglas A. Kerr: Keddy rehearsing for "My Civic Duty" 2
Perhaps I can have her come by the studio for a sitting.
Best regards,
Thank you Doug. This "setup" - which has been there all the time - is the same as the other lady before and this one. They changed places. I hope to be able to post more - another lady - in the same place.
This lady here is 86 years old.
Antonio Correia is making a change to color.
I am going to make a polemic statement:
Black and white photography is easier than coloured one.
Most of the time when people are portrayed.