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Hanging around - Leopard in Tree

D850 200 to 400 f4
1/800 f6.3 iso 720 400mm

Leopard in tree sitting bryan pereira.jpg

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
cropped for sure, it was way up in the tree. the D850 has a 45megs to play with so for web usage or smaller prints its perfect
I agree. I’d rather not have an impossibly heavy 600 or 800 mm lens with tgr lavish expense and just get a perfect center of lens shot which can be enlarged by today’s AI software to perfection. All our brains do is synthesize it to an impression and there’s no “increased truth” or “purity” of art by using more original pixels as once again the color is digitally generated by great approximation algorithms!!