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Light Painting.

Here is one of my light paintings.
This style of photography is great fun. The images are made with a light stick that you load images to and move in front of the camera on a long exposure.

Light Painting. by Gordon Baird, on Flickr
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I have a couple of friends in California that do this type of photo painting. They sometimes do it with groups and other times by themselves. They have created some fabulous images! Lots of fun. :) Maggie
I have a couple of friends in California that do this type of photo painting. They sometimes do it with groups and other times by themselves. They have created some fabulous images! Lots of fun. :) Maggie
Thank you for your comment. There are not many people here in Scotland do this style of photography. I have only used my light stick 5 times, so still learning how to use it. :)

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief


So pretty and delightful. The pier or bridge is perfect setting with the b.g. Of lights reflected in the water.

Can one have a setup for such phenomenological fab lighting 3D Design with observability in real time by the naked eye!

Would one one need a transparent sphere or cube with arrays or ordered, programmable LEDs?

Here are some of her images from facebook, they are set to public, so I think you can see them. These have to do with doing light painting with blades. She has made several different types of
sticks with different things that are really inexpensive or found around the house. I'm sure if you contact her, she would be happy to give you some tips. Her name is Carol Cohn. You can say you
know me and that I pointed you to her.

Light Painting
and again more
Here are some of her images from facebook, they are set to public, so I think you can see them. These have to do with doing light painting with blades. She has made several different types of
sticks with different things that are really inexpensive or found around the house. I'm sure if you contact her, she would be happy to give you some tips. Her name is Carol Cohn. You can say you
know me and that I pointed you to her.

Light Painting
and again more
Stunning images :)
What is it like when it’s not moving and how do you get such a perfect sphere?

It is just a line of LEDs about 3ft long there is 144 LEDs in a row. To create a sphere you rotate the light stick. It is quite difficult to get the start point and end point not to overlap.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
It is just a line of LEDs about 3ft long there is 144 LEDs in a row. To create a sphere you rotate the light stick. It is quite difficult to get the start point and end point not to overlap.
Have you tried simply mounting it on wheel and spinning it?