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Local Female Model

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I second Maggie’s thoughts. She’s so relaxed with you. That is indeed a great match of patterns!

What lighting, if any did you bring along?


John Miller


I second Maggie’s thoughts. She’s so relaxed with you. That is indeed a great match of patterns!

What lighting, if any did you bring along?

I used a set of Norman 200Bs with white umbrellas with a Canon 1D Mark ll and a Canon 300 f2.8 on a tripod.

The model was great and willing to pose however I wanted her.
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I used a set of Norman 200Bs with white umbrellas with a Canon 1D Mark ll and a Canon 300 f2.8 on a tripod.

The model was great and willing to pose however I wanted her.
Fabulous to use the Norman’s or Lumedyne, dying venerable breeds of USA made lighting!


Fabulous model and discovered setting!

They required basic knowledge of the inverse square law, (either the math occurs intuition)!

Who really really needs TTL automatic abilities of Chinese modem lights!
