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  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
I'l glad to share here Romain Claris and my work to prepare our next exhibition that will last all 2018 Summer long…
It is called NOIRS
click the image and you'll be transported to our new research world

You may also visit (and Like! if you do) our Fb page

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
It is amazing to me that one could rework the very idea of "black" to bring in ideas of flashes, smuddges or spies of color hidden in blackness that we just have assumed is simple and of no consequence.

This exhibition can be enjoyed just for the immediate fun of discovering the nuances that Nicolas nudges into our consciousness.

However, I believe this Frenchman is hinting at much more. I think what he might be proposing we no longer accept the philosophy of reductionism, where life is classified simplistically to black and white or perhaps even only good or else bad.

Perhaps "good" is something bad that has stolen the light for itself, while the angels are shivering in the shadows, destitute!

If you can, get to visit the exhibition and report your experience!


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
It's surprising how people are lazy today, you have to get everything there, on the screen, no way to follow a link!
Of course I understand that my images do not inspire everyone nor that our exhibition NOIRS (BLACKS) is interesting for all, but still ... apart from you, no reaction!

So, for the indolents of the mouse, here is the text of presentation of this work, but for the images, it will be necessary to move the mouse!


Our recent work for "ROUGE" included images that are often close to abstraction, but still based on reality: an existing material or surfaces, recognizable. Absolute abstraction was never totally achieved, it was our choice. Approaching the border between fantasy and realism is fascinating and playful, associating the imaginary and the real, combining dreams and origins.
Because the light is our brush, we wanted to continue to play, to dream, to look even further ... To drill holes in the blackness.

Now comes NOIRS.
Black does not mean sad! It is beautiful because by some kind of self-sacrifice, it allows us to perceive, to observe and to discover the light and the colours, therefore the matter.
In our culture, the relationship between blacks and colour is not as binary as one could be tempted to think. If the absolute black absorbs all the wavelengths, it would be characterized by an absence of colour but the reality is very different, much more surprising!
Very rarely pure, black is linked to colours.
It reveals micro-details, trends, influences, so that each point shining more or less makes us apprehend one or more isolated or dominant colours, because it leans on the material, accomplice of the light. As such, black is not unique, it is fundamentally multiple.
But this multiplicity remains mysterious: one speaks easily of "deep black" and curiously never of "light black": if it is deep, the black could not it also be revealing?


Such an incursion into the worlds of NOIRS is a fun quest, sometimes complicated but fascinating... To bring out the light and the colours out of the black, it is necessary to be attentive, curious, to stir the received ideas and to question oneself.
Before starting our actual work, it is essential for us to carry out researches, trials and error, it means to go back and ahead, it implies to never let go. At the birth of each image there is a real base, no matter what is its origin. What matters is the attraction that the final image arouses, its power of seduction, to take us elsewhere, in a world that everyone can conceive according to one's own dreams and imaginations. We just want this exhibition to take visitors elsewhere, nicely and gently.
From now on we propose some images of these researches, perhaps they will give the tone, the tones, which we pursue.
To enjoy the incredible and surprising richness of NOIRS



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Patience Nicolas! It is still early here.

This will take some time to digest - it does not grab me by the neck tie and shout in my face. Rather, it whispers to me at the edges of my mind. Report to come.

I would love to visit your exhibition. We have a friend in Aurillac that we intend to visit. What is the last date of the exhibit?

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Folk have to wake up on this continent, at least! ?

Worse a lot are ?, ? , ? and ? with fever from the flu!

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nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Hi Edward and Asher,
Thank you for your support and request for patience :)
However my "complaining" post was not only about this thread, but about almost all my previous posts since months!
Asher is regular commentator, but that's Asher!

Ed, if you come around, let me know I'll be glad to meet you in person and to visit the expo together. The exhibition lasts from June 18 (Général de Gaulle call for resistance!) to September 9.

PS Blacks are whispering a lot! (to me at least!)
Wow, Nicolas. These are gorgeous. I was also really taken with the music as it was not only evocative but certainly pulled me in as the vibrations it caused in my ears was so unexpected... I almost felt like I was tripping... other worldly. I remember your photos of " Rouge" that were incredible and so are these. I'm sorry I have not come here sooner, but was away for a couple days but you always do incredible work.

One thing is for sure, these are not just photographs, this is an experience!

:) Maggie

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Bonsoir Maggie,

Thank you so much for your comments and for visiting the site (and the FB page as well ;)
Note that you've seen experimental images only, they are part of our researches, however, I guess that some will be exhibited.

I don't know what music you heard, I changed it a few hours ago with a music designed by Romain. The one that was played before is a sumptuous Japanese music (Koto)
You may hear it on Youtbe

"Experience" is what we're doing and what we wish to share… You nailed it!

Jarmo Juntunen

Well-known member
Hi Nicolas, I'm sorry jump along this wagon so late. I really enjoyed your research, most of the pictures seem quite "finished" to me. Will you be updating this site or is there going to a separate exhibition somewhere else? (I'm so sorry if you already told this on the page or somewhere, I'm just being lazy to read)

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Hi Jarmo
Thanks for passing by, I appreciate!
You've seen experimental images only, they are part of our researches, however, I guess that some will be exhibited.
You've seen air, water… I have more in mind, and I work on it :)
Of course I will post more from time to time, but I will not say which will be part of the exhibition or not…
The final selection will be visible only after the opening.

Peter Dexter

Well-known member
Many of these make me feel in a very pleasing way that I am looking out the window of a space capsule into here to for unknown relms of outer space.

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Many of these make me feel in a very pleasing way that I am looking out the window of a space capsule into here to for unknown relms of outer space.

H Peter
Thank you, this is exactly the wish: having the viewer transported into his own wishes/phantasms/dreams world…

Somewhere else where you feel fine. Thank to the NOIRS!

It is called a Motion Photo - Pixel 2 XL. Shot through the screen on my window, I find the lines and pattern interesting - also it diffuses the hot spot from the light.


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator

It is called a Motion Photo - Pixel 2 XL. Shot through the screen on my window, I find the lines and pattern interesting - also it diffuses the hot spot from the light.


Hi Edward
Yes, my iPhone does that (never found how to disable completely that function!), but my question was how did you get it? With your phone or in PP?
As an example, our 2018 electronic greetings card was a video "made" from a still:

Click the image to see the (short) video

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
The video teaser is online!

Now you can watch the video teaser (of course it is not the final movie, but some researches…) Do not forget to RAISE the sound, and please avoid looking thru your phone, use your desktop computer or tablet instead :) Click image to be directed to the video

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Love it! I am peering out of the space capsule with you now. @Nicolas, is there a place in your exhibit for comments like this?!
Really amazing photos Nicholas. I know the quality online can never reach the clarity of in-person. I really want to see this with my own flesh balls for eyes. Exciting work.
OMG!!! Tell Romain that is so awesome! I know you and him collaborated on the vision. Did you collaborate with Romain on the video Nicolas?

The video had me thinking there were dead pixels on my new monitor!!! I could tell they were not when they faded out and in during the transitions. Plus they changed positions slightly. And then disappeared, and came back.

Tell Romain he produced the **** out of that video! So many things to love about that - the scene that made me realize he was being theatrically epic is when it zoomed out to a liquid nebula and the music drops out like you're floating in space. So wicked good Romain.
The motion in the video is from the movement of my arm in the short duration before the still was taken.

I clicked the image but it said I didn't have the right OPF permissions :/

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
OMG!!! Tell Romain that is so awesome! I know you and him collaborated on the vision. Did you collaborate with Romain on the video Nicolas?

The video had me thinking there were dead pixels on my new monitor!!! I could tell they were not when they faded out and in during the transitions. Plus they changed positions slightly. And then disappeared, and came back.

Tell Romain he produced the **** out of that video! So many things to love about that - the scene that made me realize he was being theatrically epic is when it zoomed out to a liquid nebula and the music drops out like you're floating in space. So wicked good Romain.

Iit's a two brains (a young and a less young;) ) work, but at the end each one does what he wants…
So Romain's film is Romain's film!

Sorry for revealing the dead pixels!
Wouldn't it be neat to have the time to put chosen online reactions into a video compilation? It would be a way for people to "cross-polinate" visually. Usually at a show you may or may not feel comfortable discussing with others there. This method would streamline with the visual experience seamlessly.

There must be 1,001 things to do to get ready for a show like yours.