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nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
a real big joke

Since its creation, this thread had 1567 viewers with, apart from Asher, only 5 persons reacting (Edward Bussa, Maggie Terlecki, Jarmo Juntunen, Peter Dexter, Fahim Mohammed, thank you guys!)…

1730 viewers today Heeeeppeeeeeeee!
But still not a word since your last post Asher!
The last post, appart from Asher was done on March 17th, 2018 by fahim mohammed
Finnaly this appears to be a real big joke…

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
1730 viewers today Heeeeppeeeeeeee!
But still not a word since your last post Asher!
The last post, appart from Asher was done on March 17th, 2018 by fahim mohammed
Finnaly this appears to be a real big joke…


It’s no big joke but the harsh reality that folk can respond easier to a child blowing a dandelion puff, an infant nursing at her mother breast, lovers in the sunset, a puppy racing through the waves or white-mained stallions galloping in a dust-cloud but give them images that test the brain and they get flabbergasted and afraid.

No one wants to be made to seem ignorant by commenting on more abstract art as it’s, frankly intimidating.

How many people have ever used black, (pretty much by itself), as the featured star of a major exhibition? One could dig up perhaps 5 such exhibitions but I remember only one and there the canvas was totally black. You however have investigated the edges of possibility and probability. So naturally you have drawn a lot of eyeballs but the larynx does not necessarily communicate any message as you have left turmoil, surprise and hesitation in the brain.

Think of how much time you and Romain spent first ruminating about your possible approaches, actually setting up the many shoots with specific conditions, sorting results, gaining new insights, shooting further ideas and then working so hard to build a dedicated oeuvres for exhibition that would be coherent.


Now have visitors look at you gigantuan project, printed meters wide, in a strange esthetic language you so recently discovered, and have them comment!

That is a big challenge to anyone, even with more confidence than merit! Most folk simply accept in awe what you share and know that they never can be wrong by just enjoying what they can experience without the presence of the full size prints.

You essentially have given yourself a brain transplant, far ahead of what others have researched on their own. Take the numbers of visits as an acknowledgement of the awe in which you and Romain are regarded that the buzz brought them to enjoy your work.


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Are you around ?

Patience Nicolas! It is still early here.

This will take some time to digest - it does not grab me by the neck tie and shout in my face. Rather, it whispers to me at the edges of my mind. Report to come.

I would love to visit your exhibition. We have a friend in Aurillac that we intend to visit. What is the last date of the exhibit?

Hi Ed
Are you around Aurillac?
If yes we may organise a visit together : )

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator

Will the catalog of the exhibition release the supposed shyness of people here (see Asher's post above) and then will the comments be more numerous?
Click the cover to discover more about NOIRS…


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Will the catalog of the exhibition release the supposed shyness of people here (see Asher's post above) and then will the comments be more numerous?
Click the cover to discover more about NOIRS…

40 views in 4 days of this post and…
Nope! nothing, nada, nichts, niente, rien, que dale, لست نادمة, 没什么, 무, pa gen anyen, ništa, ei mitään, dad, τίποτα, דבר, 何も, rud ar bith, tiştekî, nihil, kahore, niekas, niets, ingenting, nic, ничего, nanaon, kitu, எதுவும், ไม่มีอะไร, hiçbir şey, нічого, không, גאָרנישט, lutho…
Sorry if I forgot your language ...

Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Hi Nicolas,

40 views in 4 days of this post and…
Nope! nothing, nada, nichts, niente, rien, que dale, لست نادمة, 没什么, 무, pa gen anyen, ništa, ei mitään, dad, τίποτα, דבר, 何も, rud ar bith, tiştekî, nihil, kahore, niekas, niets, ingenting, nic, ничего, nanaon, kitu, எதுவும், ไม่มีอะไร, hiçbir şey, нічого, không, גאָרנישט, lutho…
Sorry if I forgot your language ...

Nincs probléma.

Best regards,


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator

How many people have ever used black, (pretty much by itself), as the featured star of a major exhibition? One could dig up perhaps 5 such exhibitions but I remember only one and there the canvas was totally black.


Just to name a few:
- Kasimir Malevitch (Black square)
- Rodchenko
- Mark Rothko
And more recently:
- Pierre Soulages (Pierre-soulages.com) of course!
- Anish Kapoor, English sculptor, for his patent purchase of a scientific feat: the most intense black in the world, the Vantablack
- the Coréan painter Lee Bae (http://www.leebae.art)

And so many others!

Of course my modest work cannot be compared to these immense artistes.
Take it as a very very humble contribution.

Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Hi, Nicolas,

Sorry Doug,


Köszönöm szépen.

Now, to get to the real topic here. Your new oeuvre is amazing. Not that we would expect any less from you and Romain. It is perhaps a paradigm shift, a transfer of your insights and artistry to another coordinate system, as it were.

The theme of noir may seem paradoxical to some. But consider how we use that in other contexts. When we type a letter, for example, we normally make the characters (reflectively) black!

So my congratulations, my friend, to you and Romain. You are off on a new adventure.

Do not feel sad, or pissed, that your new oeuvre got so little response here. It happens to me all the time (not that I mean to draw an equiavlence between your work and mine).

It is important to realize that, whatever is the situation of sponsorship, or commercial sales, or the "notices" of professional critics, you must most importantly do these works to please you. The rest follows from that.

Best regards,

Hi Nicolas,

I'm sorry so few people have commented on your work. I saw it back quite a while ago, but have been busy and doing my own experimenting if you wish. Then we had a couple heat waves, back to back and this week, it's fresh and cool but our town is hosting junior biking where they gather points to race in the Tour de France. So, I've been a mix of busy, and overheated.. LOL

I went to see your website today and had a good look around.

Your image made me think of dreamcatcher. This is a web built inside a circle and with little treasures attached and feathers dangling beneath. It is an object created by several different native americans that they would hang above their beds to capture good dreams for those lying beneath. They gave me this impression.

Let me say of the vernissage that although only about 100 people, it felt intimate and wonderful. People had place to move around and I liked that the images were not all in the same space. They were divided up in areas allowing people to move around and stop and experience the images. Because these are not images to depict something so people can guess what they are, but to experience what they make you feel.

The catalogue was also fabulous. The cover and the font and weight of that font used really shows fabulous taste but that didn't surprise me. Nothing you do is trivial or ugly... everything is always exquisite and beautiful as are these pieces.

I couldn't find their names but certain ones moved me a lot.

The light on #4, with creates warmth but also provides depth and a lot of sexiness.

#6, That deep line of red, like the last moment behind your eyelids just before you fall asleep.

#8 The red wavy line with a bit of golden glow on each side within all that black felt like the lip the top of some fantastic red wine. Full of romance and deliciousness.

#10, the undressing of a woman. Such intrigue, curiosity and very dark and seductive.

#12. On the lake, with the moon and the stars was a reminder how small we are on this enormous planet but especially small in this amazing universe

#21. The crucible that lets the light glow through it and it's simply sublime

#23. Light painted brush strokes on paper and then folded in a way to bring waves and emotion. Beautifully done.

This does not mean that the others were no good, of course they were, but the ones mentioned are those that affected me the most.

I can see why many didn't comment as there are so many men here and although they may feel things with these images, they may not all be used to allow themselves to be vulnerable enough to express how they made them feel. I'm sure many loved your work but saying so was intimidating for them.

All I can say is I'm a nobody, but a nobody that thinks she 's got good taste and loves beautiful things and I thought your work here and that of your son also, were exquisite and beautiful.

Much love,

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Maggie and Doug (ladies first!)
Thank you so much for your comments :)
They are feeling my heart with good vibes!
I'll come back soon to reply in detail.

In the meantime, @Maggie, to be sure of which images you are referring, here are the thumbs of image as they appear on the site, can you confirm that your numbering is the same?

Kind regards and many many thanks to you both!

Maggie and Doug (ladies first!)
Thank you so much for your comments :)
They are feeling my heart with good vibes!
I'll come back soon to reply in detail.

In the meantime, @Maggie, to be sure of which images you are referring, here are the thumbs of image as they appear on the site, can you confirm that your numbering is the same?

Kind regards and many many thanks to you both!

Yes, Nicolas, the numbers are correct. :) What is important to me is that you know that your work has always been and continues to be, in my opinion of these images, strong, well-balanced, well composed but mostly letting us explore our feelings. It is sometimes difficult to explain how I feel about certain things because I have never professed to be a writer and always more comfortable in visual speech but I have to say, that to be able to make people get emotion from a piece of work, in my heart, turns it into a piece of art. It's beyond just an image. Beyond just a composition. Something from within that not only tells you about me, but says a lot about you, as a man and an artist. I hope that you are proud of this; I know, if I were you, I would be.

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
We had a "décrochage" soirée this Thursday, it's always a good time to meet people but also emotional as it means the end of the exhibition.
We will take down the prints today…

2 good news so far :

• Exhibition will have a 2nd life in April 2019, being one of the events of a major boat show 10th anniversary…

• 4 prints have been sold :)

Antonio Correia

Well-known member
We had a "décrochage" soirée this Thursday, it's always a good time to meet people but also emotional as it means the end of the exhibition.
We will take down the prints today…
2 good news so far :
• Exhibition will have a 2nd life in April 2019, being one of the events of a major boat show 10th anniversary…
• 4 prints have been sold :)

Nicolas, where is the boat show held ?
I am not sure but I may go to Nantes somewhere in 2019...