• Please use real names.

    Greetings to all who have registered to OPF and those guests taking a look around. Please use real names. Registrations with fictitious names will not be processed. REAL NAMES ONLY will be processed

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    We are a courteous and supportive community. No need to hide behind an alia. If you have a genuine need for privacy/secrecy then let me know!
  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Wouldn't it be neat to have the time to put chosen online reactions into a video compilation? It would be a way for people to "cross-polinate" visually. Usually at a show you may or may not feel comfortable discussing with others there. This method would streamline with the visual experience seamlessly.

There must be 1,001 things to do to get ready for a show like yours.

Hi Ed
You're not wrong! this is why this can be done thru the dedicated Facebook page.
The website NOIRS is not "message/advice compatible" it is not built on a CMS aka Wordpress, so this is just not technically feasible.
We'll may remember your suggestion for the next (after NOIRS) exhibition!

Although this can be done here in OPF!

PS and BTW one can invite friends to like NOIRS FB page, the more friends the more we can get from our partners!

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Many images have been added to the site.

Here's one:


fahim mohammed

Well-known member
Nicolas, I have viewed this a few times...and I am intrigued and curious. The first time was to gauge the terrain, so to speak. The other times to enjoy, learn and expand my thoughts.

I am surprised that while folks on this forum have zillions of words to offer on ‘ art ‘ and vision, none has found the time to comment on a work of real substance and expanding ones horizons.

Guess we all are masters of theory.

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Nicolas, I have viewed this a few times...and I am intrigued and curious. The first time was to gauge the terrain, so to speak. The other times to enjoy, learn and expand my thoughts.

I am surprised that while folks on this forum have zillions of words to offer on ‘ art ‘ and vision, none has found the time to comment on a work of real substance and expanding ones horizons.

Guess we all are masters of theory.

Bonjour Fahim
Yes you're right,the least we could say is that I'm quite puzzled…
We're on times of Facebook, Instagram and so, using pre built filters which are imHo the contrary to creativity…
But at least I had very few but very nice comments from people I do care about there thoughts…
Despite our new world, I still prefer few but good as opposed to loads with just a click on e pseudo "heart" :)
Some decades ago I would have preferred a loads of good comments!

So thank you very much for your comment!
Now I wish to know what my work on NOIRS did convey to your thoughts !

We will see how many will comment about my new website ;)

fahim mohammed

Well-known member
Nicolas, in one of post, you asked me for my reaction to this offering of yours.

I am not a design student and neither am I very fluent in artistic discussions. From my perspective, these images represent a flash back. Of times past, of beautiful and disturbing amalgamations of thoughts and events.

How can one appreciate the beauty of light, color, happiness and sorrow...if one has not experienced the joys and fears of the night?

This series reinforces, in me, that light and ‘ noir ‘ are complementary. One without the other is useless.
Just as life.

Take care.

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Nicolas, in one of post, you asked me for my reaction to this offering of yours.

I am not a design student and neither am I very fluent in artistic discussions. From my perspective, these images represent a flash back. Of times past, of beautiful and disturbing amalgamations of thoughts and events.

How can one appreciate the beauty of light, color, happiness and sorrow...if one has not experienced the joys and fears of the night?

This series reinforces, in me, that light and ‘ noir ‘ are complementary. One without the other is useless.
Just as life.

Take care.

Bonjour Fahim

Thanks for the feed back :)
there's no need to be a design student or a very fluent artistic speaker!

The feeling when one watch an image IS important. Thank you for sharing yours!

One of my interest nowadays is to show that culture is important of course, but that on top of that humanity and links between men is the upmost thing…
I am working now (with Romain) on a large subject, a (real) story of a Japanese and a French creators, "dealing" together on a shared creation. From this a photography book and a film should arrise (hopefully in 2019)…

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Preparing an exhibition is a long work of studies, tests and trials…

Glad to share these in OPF…






You should also look at brilliant images
and there
by Wolfgang Plattner

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Hi Asher
yes, carbon fiber.
I have no idea of what the cement is…
This image, part of a series shot in La Rochelle, is imho, an interesting counter point to the mineral and organic ones post just above.
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I did not realize I had not commented on these noirs. I was distractedcby the pleasure I had in seeing you refer to The pictures by Wolfgang Plattner! I followed that link, was so thrilled that I awarded myself a cup of British tea. My dreamy brain thought “These guys are really good!” Then my assistant came down from the studio, told me the model up there had been waiting and waiting and thought I had abandoned her!

Yes, sometimes I am absent minded and get distracted by the next beautiful thing!


Preparing an exhibition is a long work of studies, tests and trials…

Glad to share these in OPF…






You should also look at brilliant images
and there
by Wolfgang Plattner

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Preparing an exhibition is a long work of studies, tests and trials…

Glad to share these in OPF…






I will return to comment on these very shortly when I am by my calibrated monitor! Right now I can see the benefit of thinking CMYK and giving black it’s due respect and full stature as “color” that moves us!


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
We’re still working our researches for NOIRS, opening is in 5 weeks!

Here’s a part of a series, not sure they’ll all go to the printer!





In total there will be a magnificent film shot and edited by Romain and 25 100x150 cm (approx.: 39’’ *59’’) prints… But what a Huuuudge subject!

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Almost ready!

Hanging on June 19, that’s already tomorrow!

This is not our first exhibition, far from that, but this is the first time that we’re almost ready 10 days in advance…

So last Tuesday (we’re Saturday at time of writing) I went with Romain at Dupon lab to check the test files, promising!


And yesterday I went at the lab to check the prints (almost giant for fine art: 140x105 cm that is 55”x 41”) Wow! I don’t know if may images are fine, but I can tell that the quality of the printing is breath taking!



Now it's time for the lab to do the lamination on Dibon…

On Romain’s side the trailer is ready, you may watch it there:

All photos shown here are iPhone snaps, hosted by Facebook (to experiment the longevity of urls)

Again, more infos on the "NOIRS" exhibition[/B]
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nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
The day we chose for the opening (vernissage in French) was certainly not the best but really challenging!
Last Thursday was the annual “Fête de la musique” and a soccer play of the French team at the world championship… Despite these largely popular events we still could have more than 100 people attending :)

The dedicated website has been updated with shots (more to come) of the “Vernissage”, the film by Romain and the 25 prints.


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Means you organized the event superbly down to the last detail and did so with panache!

Thank you Asher
It is true that organizing such event is a full part job, so imagine when you do it aside your daily work!
But it is not a reason not to do it professionally…
Also I want the people who came to the exhibition to bring back with them some reminding stuff, hence the printed catalog…

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Thank you Asher
It is true that organizing such event is a full part job, so imagine when you do it aside your daily work!
But it is not a reason not to do it professionally…
Also I want the people who came to the exhibition to bring back with them some reminding stuff, hence the printed catalog…

I do hope that you have some remaining and save one for Wendy and I when we next come to France!


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Since its creation, this thread had 1567 viewers with, apart from Asher, only 5 persons reacting (Edward Bussa, Maggie Terlecki, Jarmo Juntunen, Peter Dexter, Fahim Mohammed, thank you guys!)…
118 people looked at my last post (the one with the screenshot of the NOIRS website) and apart from Asher, no one did write any comment whatsoever!
I just can't believe it, this does not encourage me to continue posting here ... Too bad :(
I've been told that it's because I do not post a lot of comments on other people's posts myself, but I do not see the link ...
Is it a challenge? should I write one comment to receive another, as if it were a bonus?
If all the readers of this post do not find it interesting or bad they can say it! And if they like it, also!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
My dear friend Nicolas, this is the thorn that makes it uncomfortable:

Is it a challenge? should I write one comment to receive another, as if it were a bonus?
If all the readers of this post do not find it interesting or bad they can say it! And if they like it, also!

It is an important statement of concern to consider seriously by all in OPF. I have recently said, in regard to the recent rise of righ wing governments from The Philippines to Italy and Hungary to the USA that the solution is to teach everyone worldwide to always treasure other people’s children. Then we wouldn’t neglect and harass the Roma, execute blacks that run from police or tolerate reducing of girls from the Ukraine or Thailand.

In art and photography we need a determination in each of us to acknowledge, protect, and nurture each other’s private explorations and journeys in art.

I, myself grieve that Jerome’s comment on the artwork of the Belgian model was not noticed and disclosed enough by anyone. It’s an important challenge to institutions that govern our behavior.

The new scanning work by Antonio Correia, although not a new concept and technique, has revealed a valuable pathway to explore. Again few comments.

It is not merely a matter of everyone exchanging, candies, cake and cookies but if we don’t examine other modes of expression and say “I was here and salute you”, each of us is left a little wounded.

In this case, “Noirs” is a major personal creative effort that is based on decades of professional obsession with creative viewpoints of majestic vessels, grand vineyards and daring Architecture, (each with Romaric expression of textures, color and sensuous form), that prepares you to embark on the very challenging investigation of “Blacks” as a color in “Noirs”.

For months you found resources and inner energy, recruited friend and family and delivered a major ne “0evres” that rightly you are proud of up to the sky.

In all this effort and joy. Where was the OPF you had helped get on its feet more than a decade ago. Why were they not partners in this excitement, but for a handful who showed interest?

We, first of all, it is the custom to post and wait for replies, few invest in other people’s work beyond visiting, enjoying and then moving on. This perhaps is the result of our modern “2.5 second culture” of overload of news, fame and ignominy.

Next we don’t treasure each other’s children.

Lastly, we don’t reach out enough beyond our. Onfort zone, even to five cookies and candies and a pat on the back.

Don’t blame OPF, that is our entire society. And while we are distracted by or cell phones, Twitter, facebook, electronic games and superficial movements like, “me too”, thousand of migrants drown at sea off Italy and an improbable fabulistic 259 word vocabulary orange haired billionaire takes over the most powerful country in the world and undoes philosophic grounded ethics, and civic morality and respect, freedoms imported from France, England and Germany that we thought were sacrosanct.

In all this, folk paying attention to the highly creative exploration of “Noirs”, becomes ratified. Remember, this is also happening to the writings, sculpture, paintings and music of thousands of equally creative folk all over the world.

So what is the answer. You must continue to create and share your work. Even 5 or 6 followers would be a success. In the end, it’s the artist who must appraise his or own work and admire its separate existence.

But when your work and mine are eventually recognized we will celebrate.

Each of us has a lonely journey. I believe in yours and know you will gather more followers in and outside of OPF.

Your work is original, daring and well done. But it still requires a refined mind to enter this new universe. Remember how many struggles you, yourself have had in deciphering and expressing your own discoveries in the near darknesses you created.

So you have to expect that those looking for the warmth of a lightly draped mother by the evening windowlight nursing her infant are going to be disappointed and aghast. They might be looking for easy entertainment.

I myself am looking forward to seeing the printed brochure and later to walk through a gallery with full sized prints.

Typed in my tiny iPhone screen! Excuse the many typos, I will edit on my computer, shortly! ??
