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Portraits of Children Series by Charlotte Thompson

I like the tonal range, and the short DOF, but the skin looks like it has a little mottling. I'm not sure if that's a digital artifact or maybe some retouching that didn't quite work, but I think it's an artifact of the process rather than a skin problem.

I'd crop it square, full height top to bottom with the lower right hand corner starting just right of the arm and the left edge just clipping the hair a bit.

Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member

yes the new ps NX2 I am learning I did the crop you suggested and redid the black and white
thank you for your good eye! Would this be more of what you were trying to tell me?



Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member
thank you and for sure it has-but I am very tenacious and stubborn and I love the homeys
thanks again- I could say the same for you too!


yes it does! thank you so very much-


I am pleased you have a different view- thank you for spending time in my thread and your ideas-



yes it does doesn't it- thank you for your valuable time and knowledge


Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member

This is an experiment in catching movement- I have done very little of this kind of photography so here is my presentation-
Early morning light and a new cold front to Texas! Some strong winds and temp about 40 ish-now that's cold for deep SE Texas- the child wanted me to take him with the blanket outside spinning around-well what a great idea! I happened to be spending the night with my son and daughterinlaw and my 2 beautiful babies(well actually their babies)- so here it is-Tried to catch as many flying positions as I could but the child kept coming toward and I had to stop and send him back to original spinning place-





Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member

thank you for coming by my thread
and yes-
those freckles are "pork n beans -the camera lovessssssss him-
they were running all over inch of ground they could find-- I am good to get what I did of those little scampie beautifuls-
again- thank you-


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I think the last one means, no excuses, I expect my presents as usual!

She is darling. I also like the 3rd one the most. She does have attitude! Well lit. The horizontal format works well for me! I like the asymmetry and the fact that there is no spare real estate in the vertical axis, making one pay attention to her. The generous space either side allow her to have here own personal territory that she commands. Very interesting effect you have here. Well done! I'm so glad to didn't crop it close horizontally too. Eyes are focussed spot on. What did you do to the camera?!!


Doug Earle

New member
Very good candids. Exposure in this difficult setting is very good---all that white fur could have turned into a shapeless blob of white or turned old-snow gray, but you nailed it. Number three is the strongest, most compelling, what a great look. Number one is a close second, the look is priceless but I'm distracted by the catch lights in the eyes. If you could tone those down or remove them I think it would be a stronger photo. Well done. I see a Christmas card tryptich in the making.

Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member

thank you! The third is an 8 year old boy he is so pretty you would think he was a girl almost- Asher it's Parker and Peyton at the top and Buddy one of their little friends in the middle-I didn't do anything to my camera maybe I am learning something more-I certainly hope so-
these were especially hard to capture because they run all over trying to decorate the tree but I just waited and shot and waited and shot- the crop hopefully I am doing better with- that has always been a bit hard for me-thank you again for the help and coming into my thread-

a nice mistake to be called Rachel!

yes these were a bit hard to catch for sure I have more of course-The top the little girl just dropped a glass ornament and luck to catch that expression!! the eyes may have to stay but I could take it to my NX2 and work with it-and yes the white fur did well in the catch-I was ever so pleased-thank you, very appreciated your remarks to my efforts

Bill Miller

New member
Charlotte, If the kids are trimming a tree, where are the ornaments and tree??

BTW #1 is very soft. Are you using USM or Nik in your images?

Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member
you are right- tis my time* today so Ill take it!

hello I am not sure about your abbreviations- please explain I am fairly new to photography-
here is a shot with the tree-



Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

thank you! The third is an 8 year old boy he is so pretty you would think he was a girl almost- Asher it's Parker and Peyton at the top and Buddy one of their little friends in the middle-I didn't do anything to my camera maybe I am learning something more-I certainly hope so-
these were especially hard to capture because they run all over trying to decorate the tree but I just waited and shot and waited and shot- the crop hopefully I am doing better with- that has always been a bit hard for me-thank you again for the help and coming into my thread-

Well, Charlotte,

You did a great job, tracked them down and aced the shots. I must say I'd been rereading all of the camera focus woes that Rachel had since she fell on some slippery rocks taking her river pictures, that your sharp pictures somehow made me think she's repaired the camera. I think in terms of the pictures and work backwards to the person.

This ongoing series of photographs provides a composite, almost live portrait of the children's excitement. We see the expectation and innocence of children. They're approaching a great time with surprises, good food and lots of relatives and friends to enjoy. The preparing, giving and receiving of presents is, in fact, a most important cement for everything we seek to do. It promotes trust and that's the basis for love, partnership, finding consensus, leadership and doing commerce and trade.

Your pictures give us a boost in valuing each other and being light hearted.

I'd like to comment on your choice of B&W. To me, it's unlikely that random combinations of synthetic colors of clothes and background furniture and walls will be agreeable. Unless we are photographing nature of a couple in evening clothes in a library with leather chairs and antique wooden shelves, the colors often call attention to themselves. I call this razmatazz!


Photo © Charlotte Thompson 2008

Here, however, in B&W, one cannot so easily get away with highlights that blot out details in highlights, dark objects and shadows. You're pictures show fine definition in hair and the white fur hat. It's also good to try out images with a full range of deep blacks and mid tones so one has a large palette of nuances to use in showing structure, dimensionality and form. Here, the black and shadowed areas of the feathers (?) should have detail too.

I'm betting you're developing a stronger foundation in the physicality of what you photograph. Then, to bring back agreeable color*, can provide an extraordinary emotional finish.


*Of course, one can work exclusively in color and be successful. Most folk do. But then it's likely that buttressing the colors, underneath all the decisions, the physical aesthetics are addressed well.

Doug Earle

New member
Charlotte: The first two don't do a thing for me but number three is quite good. It has lots of expression, focus is sharp, crop fits the face, good contrast.

Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member

thanks- I was experimenting with indirect- not seeing the eyes- here are a few more from the night of presents and wrapping on the floor-




Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member

Playing in the backyard- soccer- had to try my hand at sports-
such beautiful boyz- Parker-DJ- Coby- neighborhood friends- such a competion!
and last- The Cheerleader-





Rachel Foster

New member
Charlotte, the first three don't "speak" to me, but the last one is wonderful. It shows a lot of personality and is simply charming. The only thing I wondered about is if you had the top of her head in original shot too?

Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member
thanks for coming by- the bow just didn't make it all in the shot- too big! I thought it took away from the child-

yes and thank you- was a fun thing to shoot-those kids were running around so fast I was lucky to get what I did-here are a few more-



Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member

Instead of running from me and my camera she decided to use the spyglass to hide-
the center shot was a bit off-light and my not knowing and trying to catch faster than my camera is able to do- or probably it's me!


