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I was taken back by the lyricism of the picture. It seems like something conjured up in a sketch for a drama and not real. But for the trees, I'd have thought this was an artist vision and not a real building! It reminds of the work of David Sharir
It's perfect right here! When a photograph is just that, this is where it belongs. Yes you have used architecture, but this is a photograph, one that will print well and will get accolades.
It's perfect right here! When a photograph is just that, this is where it belongs. Yes you have used architecture, but this is a photograph, one that will print well and will get accolades.
I asked because often when I make photographs in Goa, they do not fit into any of the categories carved out in the well-known forums. There'll be a lush green field, for instance, suggesting Landscape, but there's also that insignificant church or temple in the composition where history, architecture, religion & culture all commingle. When shooting in the deserts of the American West or in many areas of Iceland the line is more clear (although I can think of images in those places as well where fuzzy situations obtain).