• Please use real names.

    Greetings to all who have registered to OPF and those guests taking a look around. Please use real names. Registrations with fictitious names will not be processed. REAL NAMES ONLY will be processed

    Firstname Lastname


    We are a courteous and supportive community. No need to hide behind an alia. If you have a genuine need for privacy/secrecy then let me know!
  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!


  1. P

    Carpella innotata

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    Daniela On Isla Providencia

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    Cinnamon Flycatcher

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  5. P

    Oncidium chrysomorphum

    Appears to be a Colombia endemic.
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    Monopyle uniflora

    First described in 2011 in Ecuador. This photo is the only register in iNaturalist Colombia.
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  8. P

    Portrait Andean Motmot

  9. P

    Barred Beard

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    New Species

    Muscuspina neblina, newly described Colombia endemic.
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    Friend's Daughter Camila

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    Cinnamon Flycatcher

  13. P

    Cinnamon Flycatcher

  14. P

    Lunch Counter

    At the Guambiano Indian market in Silvia , Colombia
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    KGB Bar In Cartagena

  16. P


    It is customary for girls (at least city girls) in Colombia to wear a new outfit for Christmas Eve. This was Angie Natalia's
  17. P

    Pinturas Rupuestres

    Rock paintings in San Jose del Guaviare Department, Colombia. Some portions are believed to be ten thousand years old. There is an image (not here) that pretty clearly shows a giant sloth. The paint is mineral based so difficult to date. The painting on these rock cliffs continued for thousands...
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    Toucan Barbet

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    Isla Providencia 2016

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    Oxydia geminata
