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  1. P


    Photo of Barrio Siloé in Cali, Colombia with the Farallones mountains of the Western Cordillera in the background. Like several other "invasions" on the hillsides bordering the west of the city it was established by squatters who built homes illegally without property titles. It is one of the...
  2. P

    Velvet-purple Coronet

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    Gunnera magnifica

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    Utriculatria jamesoniana

    Carnivorous plant
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    Striated Heron

  6. P

    Family: Erebidae

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    Roadside Hawk

    That really is it's name.
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    Bronzy Inca

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    Pied-billed Grebe

    A non-breeding adult
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    Red-headed Barbet

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    Late Afternoon Cloud

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    Green Jay

    In Colombia
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    White-sided Flowerpiercer Female

    With Columnea anisophylla
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    Crimson-rumped Toucanet

    With Aphelandra tetragona
  15. P

    Old Favorite

    Red-headed Barbet
  16. P

    Macroclinium escobarianum

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    Black-faced Antbird

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    Bronzy Jacamar

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    What A Hopper!

  20. P

    Acorn Woodpecker

    Also seen in the western US