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live composite

  1. Robert Watcher

    Night View of the Goderich Port / Salt Mine

    Night View of the Goderich Port / Salt Mine with Olympus Live Composition for a 15 minute exposure to catch the lights of the few cars that passed by the winding road at the bottom of the hill. A quiet Monday evening.
  2. Robert Watcher

    Relaxing Monday evening - Beach & Light Trails

    Trying to find a different vantage point around the Goderich Harbour (Lake Huron). At the end of the Cove beach, I spotted a grassy mound that aimed back toward the ships loading at the salt mine. Plus I figured I’d be able to catch some car light trails where the road came to an end, requiring...
  3. Chris Calohan

    Play That Horn, Victor!

  4. Robert Watcher

    Fireworks technique practice tonight

    Fireworks technique practice tonight GRAND FINALE
  5. Robert Watcher

    Soft early evening clouds

  6. Robert Watcher

    Light Painting in the Clouds with Live Composite Mode

    Light Painting in the Clouds with Live Composite Mode PASTEL VIVID PLATINUM
  7. Robert Watcher

    6:00 am overcast sky, breaking

    6:00 am overcast sky, breaking Live Composite Mode, Olympus E-M10 MKIII, 14-42mm EZ
  8. Robert Watcher

    Painting the skies with Livecomp

    Painting the skies with Livecomp (a feature unique to all Olympus micro four-thirds cameras). E-M10 w/14-42 kit lens - 100ISO with 3 to 10 minute exposures. Wirelessly transferred to iPad and processed with Snapseed app.
  9. Robert Watcher

    Niagara Falls Canada

    Anne & I spontaneously felt like heading out for a little trip at noon yesterday. Knowing that Niagara Falls is only a 3 hour trip, we checked online for a place to stay the night. We found we could get a great deal on a room, when booking last minute - - - - instead of $200 for the night, our...
  10. Robert Watcher

    Night Sky - Live Composite Mode

    Out enjoying a dark evening. I set my little desktop tripod up on a huge rock, for stability - and left the shutter open from after the sunset until dark into the night. I processed this after getting home, on my desktop Mac using Exposure 6 and Topaz I used my iPhone to grab this shot. I...
  11. Robert Watcher

    International Space Station

    A perfect night to capture the International Space Station. We had the trajectory down pat for moving through my frame during the middle part of its 6 min crossing. Although I had no clue that tonight it would pass right through the view of the North Star (Polaris) - the white static star in the...
  12. Robert Watcher

    Painterly Skies

    No Jupiter/Saturn/Mercury tonight, but there was this. The skies were spectacular, but the effect of a 20 min long exposure using Olympus Live Composite —- having colours and highlights in the sky, smear into each other - made the effort worthwhile. Fortunately during the exposure a car pulled...
  13. Robert Watcher

    I finally got out to take a picture

    Ontario, Canada is under Lock Down —- although my wife and I have been living as if we were under lockdown, for the past 9 months. I have been very busy with two website builds for a couple of businesses, and that has been my focus. I have barely looked at my camera. I got that web work done...
  14. Robert Watcher

    Scenic Lake Huron

    45 minute exposure as ship left - heading out to open water, then off to the left on the horizon —- and waiting ship then entered the harbour with the help of tugboats. Pic was topped off with the tug boat streaking across the scene to settle in for the night. (Live Composite Setting)
  15. Robert Watcher

    Harbour during storm

    Olympus Live Composite mode - approximately 20 minute exposure - a continuous series of 1 second exposures. A tug boat came into the harbour, providing the streak of lights — a ship showed up in the background (settling in for the night on the open water —- a couple of cars and a transport...
  16. Robert Watcher

    Amazing Fireworks with Live Composite

    FIREWORKS SAN MIGUEL, EL SALVADOR 🔸🔹🔸🔹 SHOW DE LUCES CAMPERO We heard that Pollo Campero (El Salvador’s answer to KFC) was putting on a fireworks display tonight at the football stadium. Unfortunately the city we live in is very flat with no elevated vantage points. So unless we managed to get...
  17. Robert Watcher


    One of my favourite Olympus camera features, is Live Composite. I recently used it in two nighttime situations with very cool results as Travel Pics. The most challenging part is being able to define the distance of the iPhone light source from camera as well as the starting and ending points...