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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

What a devastating loss!

I don’t believe outside dining should be so brutally stopped!

I don’t know if this is backed by objective scientific testing!


Jerome Marot

Well-known member
I don’t believe outside dining should be so brutally stopped!
I don’t know if this is backed by objective scientific testing!

There is strong statistical evidence of a correlation between drinking or eating out and contaminations, yes. This article gives an example. And it is freezing this days in Munich, which is normal for December (the temperatures are actually higher than average, which should make us worry as well).

But not all these photographs are of restaurants and bars. All non-essential shops are closed down, as well as hairdressers, tattoo parlours, fitness clubs, etc... I don't think they will all be able to reopen.



Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
A good series Jerome, bleak and striking as it should be. Thanks for sharing. PS: here also we have very similar views.

What has happened to the canal and river boat vessels that would be booked by tourists for luxury European tours?

Is that industry broken?



Well-known member
The whole hospitality industry is in ruins. A large portion of restaurants, cafes and bars is about to go bankrupt, many have already closed doors for good. Hotels are a bit better since they remain open but they are not allowed to serve food or drinks. Also, because nobody travels, the reservations have plummeted.

Jerome Marot

Well-known member
What has happened to the canal and river boat vessels that would be booked by tourists for luxury European tours?

I am a bit puzzled by your question. California has one of the highest incidence of covid in the USA. Do you still have tourists? Are restaurants and bars open? Shops?

James Lemon

Well-known member
Terrorism should be viewed along a spectrum of public safety concerns, alongside recent non-terrorist threats to health and public safety such BSE, SARS, covid, and 1.6 million other viruses that could potentially jump from animals to humans.

Fact- Most people who get covid recover, according to the WHO.
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I am a bit puzzled by your question. California has one of the highest incidence of covid in the USA. Do you still have tourists? Are restaurants and bars open? Shops?
Thousands of restaurants can’t make it as they cannot switch to take out or they depend on office workers who are now working from home! Mom & Pop restaurants have the greatest risk of going out of business. Restaurant workers are suffering. So yes, Jérôme, it’s tragic for them!

Engineering companies are largely unaffected.

Car sales still occur. Homes are painted. Gardeners turn up on time. Hospitals are filled to the brim.

The restaurants and hotels, all around me, have, (in general), simply cut 1/3 to 2/4 staff and focussed on take out dining and deliveries. Hotels have changed to room service instead of restaurant service.

The losses are mainly to restaurant workers but the owners are given a lifeline: a non-repayable loan to maintain salaries of workers remaining.

Hotels are also real estate investments. They can most often shrink their staff, get a government loan, (gift) and wait it out. Property owners, often foreign conglomerates can choose to not rent for 6 months or 20 years. The house next to me is empty for 30 years. The value goes up without effort!

The stock market is up. Housing price are up. Tourists are down but can get any delicious food they want in their hotels.

All the main stores are open. You can buy furniture, food, liquor guns or whatever but can’t get your nails or hair done!

You can walk around, exercise freely or play chess in the park!

Travel is booming over Christmas and the Nee Year. Our large airports are seeing the most travelers EVER!


James Lemon

Well-known member
The longer they prolong this the more they put the elderly and vulnerable at risk. These are the folks that should receive vaccines first and foremost IMO.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
The longer they prolong this the more they put the elderly and vulnerable at risk. These are the folks that should receive vaccines first and foremost IMO.
At my hospital, administrative staff have preference before the elderly!

My wife (with a stent but no cardiac episode ever), was given her shot kat night.

I will be called in weeks or a months from now!


Jerome Marot

Well-known member
Sorry to hear you had a heart attack. I understand it was some time ago and you are better, right?

I'll answer your points below:

Thousands of restaurants can’t make it as they cannot switch to take out or they depend on office workers who are now working from home! Mom & Pop restaurants have the greatest risk of going out of business. Restaurant workers are suffering. So yes, Jérôme, it’s tragic for them!

Same here.

Engineering companies are largely unaffected.

Same here.

Car sales still occur. Homes are painted. Gardeners turn up on time. Hospitals are filled to the brim.

Same here, I suppose. No need for gardeners in this season. Hospitals are overflowing in some parts of the country but I understand that Munich still has capacity.

The restaurants and hotels, all around me, have, (in general), simply cut 1/3 to 2/4 staff and focussed on take out dining and deliveries. Hotels have changed to room service instead of restaurant service.

Same here, for the restaurants who have customers interested in deliveries, but not for bars and gathering places of course.

The losses are mainly to restaurant workers but the owners are given a lifeline: a non-repayable loan to maintain salaries of workers remaining.

There are some helps for staff here, but I do not know the details.

Hotels are also real estate investments. They can most often shrink their staff, get a government loan, (gift) and wait it out. Property owners, often foreign conglomerates can choose to not rent for 6 months or 20 years. The house next to me is empty for 30 years. The value goes up without effort!

The stock market is up. Housing price are up.

Housing prices may be down, but there is very little activity. The stock market is up, which is the consequence of central banks printing money and should actually worry us.

Tourists are down but can get any delicious food they want in their hotels.

I have no idea how tourists feed themselves in present times.

All the main stores are open. You can buy furniture, food, liquor guns or whatever but can’t get your nails or hair done!

All non essential stores are closed. You can still get food and liquor. No guns, of course. Hairdressers are closed.

You can walk around, exercise freely or play chess in the park!

You can get out to exercise, but there is a curfew at night. Drinking alcohol outside is prohibited (normally it is not).

Travel is booming over Christmas and the Nee Year. Our large airports are seeing the most travelers EVER!

Very few tourists around in my parts.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Sorry to hear you had a heart attack. I understand it was some time ago and you are better, right?

I'll answer your points below:

Same here.

Same here.

Same here, I suppose. No need for gardeners in this season. Hospitals are overflowing in some parts of the country but I understand that Munich still has capacity.

Same here, for the restaurants who have customers interested in deliveries, but not for bars and gathering places of course.

There are some helps for staff here, but I do not know the details.

Housing prices may be down, but there is very little activity. The stock market is up, which is the consequence of central banks printing money and should actually worry us.

I have no idea how tourists feed themselves in present times.

All non essential stores are closed. You can still get food and liquor. No guns, of course. Hairdressers are closed.

You can get out to exercise, but there is a curfew at night. Drinking alcohol outside is prohibited (normally it is not).

Very few tourists around in my parts.
My wife told me we have a “Lockdown”. Apparently that means, please do t go out unless you need to!”

So essentially there is no restriction, at least around us here.

Remember, we are an isolated continent, never been invaded in World War I and II and every man seems to think they are John Wayne! They are not as educated as Europeans and believe in Christ the saviour with variations from focus on “Salvation” to prayer and donations to the Church healing is and /or bringing actual wealth, by making the evangelist rich. 98% might admit to believing in God but essentially Jesus is a real person with a surname Christ and for sure loves them.

So if he is their friend, forgives sins and brings salvation, then Covid is just nothing.

At the same time, 50% might wear a mask to cover their bet!

Just as you know for sure Macron is real and Adenauer was real, they believe the same about Jesus with even greater certainty!

So folk ignore rules!

Since the President, his lawyer and political associates mostly recovered from Covid infection, the virus can’t be that bad. Read James Lemon, (#13, above)!


James Lemon

Well-known member
My wife told me we have a “Lockdown”. Apparently that means, please do t go out unless you need to!”

So essentially there is no restriction, at least around us here.

Remember, we are an isolated continent, never been invaded in World War I and II and every man seems to think they are John Wayne! They are not as educated as Europeans and believe in Christ the saviour with variations from focus on “Salvation” to prayer and donations to the Church healing is and /or bringing actual wealth, by making the evangelist rich. 98% might admit to believing in God but essentially Jesus is a real person with a surname Christ and for sure loves them.

So if he is their friend, forgives sins and brings salvation, then Covid is just nothing.

At the same time, 50% might wear a mask to cover their bet!

Just as you know for sure Macron is real and Adenauer was real, they believe the same about Jesus with even greater certainty!

So folk ignore rules!

Since the President, his lawyer and political associates mostly recovered from Covid infection, the virus can’t be that bad. Read James Lemon, (#13, above)!


Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.


Why do you think we know so little about the morbidity and mortality of this novel virus?

Still, I am relieved and happy you are well and safe and have apparently suffered no losses at this time due to Covid-19. Theta good.

We know that and are not worried about those children that don’t fall out of open windows are don’t get drowned in swimming go pools or young men and women that don’t get harmed by war!

But you repeatedly try to convince us that most folk infected with Covid-19 get better.

So what?

but 100% of those falling out of windows, drowning in pools, shot in war or killed by SARS CoV-2 are completely dead.

So stop directing us to who come home safely, as they are safe!

That makes no sense, as who is concerned with that? Is there something unfair about that, some injustice we have to correct because they are safe and others are dead? To me, at least, I have no interest in the fighters landing in Normandy who don’t get machine gunned or blown to bits as they swarm the beaches. They are lucky and safe. Good luck to them but it’s to the fallen my heart turns!

We have decided to be concerned about this virus and the folk whose lives it changes for the worse.

You might be very justifiably interested, instead in fast cars, growth of black tulips or the costs aluminum. For us, at the moment, those who might get infected and die or have permanent health compromise are our main concern.

We have zero interest in all the folk who won’t suffer!

are prepared to make personal sacrifices in any attempt to ameliorate the rate of infection and curb spread to those it might harm.

You don’t have to share those feelings but you might be inconvenienced. Sorry for that! We have the political power right now and for a while!


James Lemon

Well-known member
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.


Why do you think we know so little about the morbidity and mortality of this novel virus?

Still, I am relieved and happy you are well and safe and have apparently suffered no losses at this time due to Covid-19. Theta good.

We know that and are not worried about those children that don’t fall out of open windows are don’t get drowned in swimming go pools or young men and women that don’t get harmed by war!

But you repeatedly try to convince us that most folk infected with Covid-19 get better.

So what?

but 100% of those falling out of windows, drowning in pools, shot in war or killed by SARS CoV-2 are completely dead.

So stop directing us to who come home safely, as they are safe!

That makes no sense, as who is concerned with that? Is there something unfair about that, some injustice we have to correct because they are safe and others are dead? To me, at least, I have no interest in the fighters landing in Normandy who don’t get machine gunned or blown to bits as they swarm the beaches. They are lucky and safe. Good luck to them but it’s to the fallen my heart turns!

We have decided to be concerned about this virus and the folk whose lives it changes for the worse.

You might be very justifiably interested, instead in fast cars, growth of black tulips or the costs aluminum. For us, at the moment, those who might get infected and die or have permanent health compromise are our main concern.

We have zero interest in all the folk who won’t suffer!

are prepared to make personal sacrifices in any attempt to ameliorate the rate of infection and curb spread to those it might harm.

You don’t have to share those feelings but you might be inconvenienced. Sorry for that! We have the political power right now and for a while!


It’s a big price to pay for some people with a limited life expectancy to be able to live a few extra months. In the meantime we will ignore the real devastation and harm to millions of families.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
It’s a big price to pay for some people with a limited life expectancy to be able to live a few extra months. In the meantime we will ignore the real devastation and harm to millions of families.
Ignore those people. Just focus on those who were not going to die in the next 10 years and are now at risk: firemen, store clerks, delivery folk, hotel workers, mailmen, healthy doctors and nurses, all ordinary people. We would do this much if there were 100 shooters killing at random 3,000 people a day in the USA, wouldn’t we?

Most folk in long term nursing homes, here, , BTW, have a life expectancy of 10-20 years!

In a year it will be behind us.

Right now we can prevent another 400,000 extra deaths in the USA alone


James Lemon

Well-known member
Ignore those people. Just focus on those who were not going to die in the next 10 years and are now at risk: firemen, store clerks, delivery folk, hotel workers, mailmen, healthy doctors and nurses, all ordinary people. We would do this much is there were 100 shooters killing at random 3,000 people a day in the USA, people at random.

Most folk in long term nursing homes, here, , BTW, have a life expectancy of 10-20 years!

In a year it will be behind us.

Right now we can prevent another 400,000 extra deaths in the USA alone


Your chance of dying from COVID-19 is one in 1,250, but your chance of dying from all causes is already one in 24 in any given year.

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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Your chance of dying from COVID-19 is one in 1,250, but your chance of dying from all causes is already one in 24 in any given year.


Why repeat that? You think we might have forgotten that?

Again, we have zero concern of the chances of NOT dying. People who don’t get shot or stabbed or hit by Covid-19 are not our worry!


James Lemon

Well-known member

Why repeat that? You think we might have forgotten that?

Again, we have zero concern of the chances of NOT dying. People who don’t get shot or stabbed or hit by Covid-19 are not our worry!


Once decisionmakers wake up to the damage of their policy approach, it is going to be too late.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Once decisionmakers wake up to the damage of their policy approach, it is going to be too late.
What damage? The market is up, home values are higher and there will be a massive rebuilding program with a booming economy as we exit a war footing!
