Let’s not get so far ahead.
First just the buoy and satellite instruments, only those depended on by US Oceanic and Environmental Agency.
What is it that disqualifies them? What is the hard evidence that made you state they are not up to being trusted as instruments?
If the instruments are indeed poor quality or unreliable, as you indicated, we have no data to consider!
So please address only this as our critical first step
In spite of recent advances in remote sensing technologies such as satellite altimetry, sealevel measurements for tidal applications and other sea level variation studies related to climate change still rely highly on local measurements using tide gauges.
A major limitation for altimetry is the
contamination of the radar signal near the coast when the reflection of the radar pulse is partly due to the ocean surface and partly to land. As a consequence, standard altimetry data are unreliable at distances closer than 40 km to the coast.
The satellite altimetry records (NOAA, 2015a; UC, 2015) offer problems because of subjective adjustments (Mörner, 2010d, 2013, 2015f). The first records of 1993–2000 lacked a rising component (MEDIAS, 2000; Mörner, 2004). Later, rising trends were introduced in order to cope with loading models and GIA corrections (Mörner, 2010d, 2013).
A special analysis has been devoted to the reestablishment of the original values of the satellite altimetry records (Mörner, 2015f). When this is done, the NOAA (2015a) record changes from 2.9 ± 0.4 mm/year to a mean value of 0.45 mm/year for the period 1993–2015, and the UC (2015) from 3.3 ± 0.4 mm/year to a mean value of 0.65 mm/year for the period 1992–2015 (for graphs and calculations, see Mörner, 2015f).
Suddenly, there is a general agreement among all the different sources of information for the establishment of present regional-to-global
sea-level changes (Mörner, 2015f) as illustrated in Fig. 12.7.
Figure 12.7. The new spectrum of sea-level changes after removal of erroneous “corrections” applied to the satellite altimetry records.
Yellow zone gives the peak values of recorded tide gauge rates.
Blue arrow indicates that several of those sites refer to subsiding sites overestimating the eustatic factor. Now the different records of sea-level changes (ie, tide gauges, coastal morphology, and satellite altimetry) give a congruent picture of a mean global sea-level rise within the zone ranging from ±0.0 to +1.0 mm/year. The IPCC estimates alone is now hanging “in the air” above all the other records.
From Mörner, N.-A., 2015f. Glacial isostasy: regional – not global. International Journal of Geosciences 6, 577–592.
Dr. Nils Axel Morner is a sea level expert and retired 2005. In 2000 he launched an international sea level research project in the
Maldives which claims to demonstrate an absence of signs of any on-going sea level rise. Despite President Gayoom having spoken in the past about the impending dangers to his country,
[17] the Maldives, Mörner concluded that the people of the Maldives have in the past survived a higher sea level about 50–60 cm (1.6–2.0 ft), and there is evidence of a significant sea level fall in the last 30 years in that Indian Ocean area.
[18][19] However, these conclusions were disputed by due to lack of known mechanism for a fall in sea level and lack of supporting evidence.
What is interesting is that the Maldives is at the lowest part of the planet some 180 meters below New Guinea if the sea level was rising this would be the place for it to happen... no? The population has experienced substantial growth and is a major tourist destination.
Analyzing tide data would require a geologist to interpret according to Dr Morner he also speaks of the IPCC bias toward man made global warming. He mentions of them reporting glaring errors despite what the science says. He is on record for bringing errors to there attention. He also speaks of poor installations of tide gauges and misrepresentations.
It would appear that protection of the integrity of data is a huge responsibility requiring numerous safe guards to keep from being compromised, corrupted from bugs, viruses, data manipulation etc. This is where block chain technology might play a significant role in keeping dubious data manipulations from happening.
So what was the cause of sea level drop here in the Madives? There is more than enough physical evidence to show a substantial sea level drop. Where did all the water go? According to Dr. Morner it evaporated and came down as snow or rain somewhere else but he did not have enough documentation to support this theory.
Dr. Morner and his team spent a number of years here drilling sand samples, coral samples, photographs of the receding shoreline etc, and carbon dating of the "Reef Woman of Lhosfushi" her feet had been cut off.
The skeleton lies embedded at the interface between cemented sand and covering coral
rubble. The dead corpse was left on a former beach, soon covered by coral rubble, now
cemented into a beach-rock. This beach-rock goes in under the sand body of the present
island. This sand has a quite strong black soil at the surface. A former sea level in the order of
+60 cm can be postulated (post-dating the “reef woman”). The beach-rock was later cut into a
rock-cut platform at a sea level +20-30 m. Subsequently, and quite recently, sea level fell and
the platform started to become eroded into a second platform in level with the present sea.
Osteological studies by Torstein Sjövold confirmed that it was a woman, not young, not old,
but in the age-range of 19-45 years. Good teeth. No signs of health problems.
C14-dating (AMS) by Göran Possnert gave an age of 1200 +60 years BP (uncalibrated age).
The bone had a C13-value of –14.3 %o, implying that the woman fed on marine biota (if she
wasn’t a mermaid) and hence should be subjected to “sea correction”. A “sea correction” of
350 years would date the bones at 850 BP or 1100 AD.
Sea level implications:
The “reef woman” died, was killed or was washed-ashore at a beach with a sea level close to
present zero.
Soon after (some 800 BP), sea level rose to about +60 cm.
Later it fell probably below +30 cm.
A new “high” level at about +20-30 cm was established with strong rock-platform cutting
In sub-recent time sea level fell to its present level, eroding the old platform, by that exposing
the skeleton, and staring cutting a second rock-cut platform.
The secret message
The remarkable message of the “Reef Woman” is that sea level in not rising (as stated in the
IPCC “green house” scenario), that it even fell in recent times, and that it has been even some
60 cm higher without wiping out the population. Consequently, the “Reef Woman” can
free the world from the condemnation to become flooded in the near future. This
conclusion is in full agreement with the general findings by the Commission on Sea Level
Changes and Coastal Evolution (as being clearly expressed at the 16th congress of the
International Association of Quaternary Research, INQUA, in Reno, Nevada, in July 2003)
What evidence carries more weight...reliable observations of nature, or computer model projections based on some tide gauges?