Antonio Correia
Well-known member
Olympus OM-D EM5 KII + Olympus 12-40 f/2.8 + CC

Olympus OM-D EM5 KII + Olympus 12-40 f/2.8 + CC
The Human Race has done all kind of carnages (and much more) since the beginning.
And it keeps doing so regardless religion, belief, politics, whatever...
Homo homini lupus est ! = Man is wolf to man ! No offense for the wolves.
The important is money ! MONEY ! Money makes the World go round
Amazingly I do not remember having seen before this interesting thread!
Her's my contribution:
Château Clinet - Pomerol - In Winter
Asher, this picture was shot in 2014 for my exhibition "Three Châteaux in Winter"I hope that bottle is either for show or else is being warmed up to room temp as it will get a lot of sunlifht and actually heat up in the sunlight blasting through that window at high noon!
Incodentally, this photograph of yours, Nicolas is the sibling of Antonio's picture that presecedea it, as they have such similar esthetics!
Coincidence, or perhaps his picture reminded you of yours alsovwith the shadow of a bare tree decorating a wall by the windows?
Thank you. I usually feel a little guilty taking shadow shots like the first one![]()
It’s most important to traverse your disciplined social and artistic constraints and go n
Beyond what is normally acceptable to you or anyone else!
That’s what art must do or else isn’t it just obsessional craftsmanship and that can be taught!
I hope that this fits in here
and this definitely on a wall
Regarding the shadows on the car park - that's what bothers me. Shots like that feel like shooting fish in a barrel. I see so many
Two older images, but ones I still like for the shadow and light play.
The red locus adds color, that of a Cardinal of course. Richeleau came to mind!In hoc signo vinces ... a shadow on the floor ...
(Holy Bible on a lectern at the chapel of St. Arbogast near Goetzis, Vorarlberg/Austria)
In hoc signo vinces by Wolfgang Plattner, on Flickr
the real one or the Monthy Python version?The red locus adds color, that of a Cardinal of course. Richeleau came to mind!
I was thinking of the real one. Immense power, grace and Machiavellian skills!the real one or the Monthy Python version?