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Why Wouldn't You Travel More When There Are So Many Benefits of Traveling?!

Antonio Correia

Well-known member
4. Travel gives Culture and broads your horizons !


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Just consider the entire interacted design teams and work shops, machines that machine, bend, harden, miles of electric wires and self sealing gas tanks.

We take such things as flight for granted now.

But each depends on inventive genius, scholarship and endeavor by tens of thousands of individuals. The latter nurtured and schooled by loved ones and local schools and major universities.

This wing we fly on is collaboration on a massive scale by society.

Kudos to everyone!

Hello Comunity!

Here are some pictures from my travel to Zaragoza, a city in Spain located in the Autonomous Comunity of Aragan, an amazing place to try new food and watch different outstanding architecture, hope you like it ;)

This building is The Govern Congress Palace of Zaragoza.

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-16 at 10.00.29 AM.jpg

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

You have excelled! A surprising and delightful instruction to the architecture!


What a wonderful way of bringing us into stunning new architecture. A unique curator!

Antonio Correia

Well-known member
Asher, I think they are real graves. People pray on the tombs of ancestors while pouring they favourite drinks.
Asher, I think it is rather dangerous to travel these days. Why ? Because you fly for 10 or more hours inside a plane, because you can stay in a fantastic hotel on the 10th where the windows are completely closed and the air is the one which comes out the AC, because the car you are in has closed windows with AC on because of the heat, because if you get ill you may not have the necessary help, because ...
My wife and myself we have been over and over in dangerous places and dangerous situations but this time the risk is too big.
I want to cry ! :cautious:

Michael Nagel

Well-known member
Surely we can balance the methane by have lab grown meat and convert grazing land to forrest!
Well, lab grown meat is not available - I don't know where to buy any. We would need it in industrial quantities - yesterday - to reduce methane impact and make space for the forests...
For the forests, they are not as effective as thought , there is no simple answer.

For the record: I am adding this to help make infomed decisions.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I believe that economics, with giants like Johnson and Johnson invested in this technology, will eventually drive the technology to great efficiency.

I will try to find some lab grown hamburger for you, LOL. Likely it will be about $100 but worth the experience!

Meanwhile, vegetable-based burgers such has sold under the “Impossible” brand are creating the needed starter market for alternates to farmed beef.

I expect it will be no more than 10 years before lab cultured beef is produced on an industrial scale, likely first in Israel, which has the needed investment and science base and a sufficient high income market.

Also, kosher meat it will replace is already about 30% more expensive for Israeli consumers than the ordinary meat purchased in Europe and the USA.

Once the technical issue are solved, I can see new plants popping up close to every major city so that transportation costs are minimized.

In addition to reducing the carbon footprint, meat cultivation will provide thousands of new jobs distributed throughout all western societies very rapidly.

Countries relying on beef exports will have to diversify quickly and the land devoted to cattle will be repurposed as its value plummets! We need to think about the tragic consequences to such countries if we do not think about the problems that we will be creating!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Now to return with respect and awe to the wonderful photography of Antonio Correia, a great observer of people.

….and BTW, his wife is also an accomplished photographer and far more modest than I am boastful, 😂


Antonio has a great eye for picking out denizens in scenes that seem uncluttered but show the social and economic reality of life.

What he presents is humanity in the matrix of problems and challenges these seemingly happy people have no choice but to face, day in, day out!


Jerome Marot

Well-known member
As usual, the reality is a bit more complex.

Air travel is actually quite efficient on long distance flights. Because the plane is usually full and cars less so, it uses less fuel than most cars per person per distance. It is just that people do not travel 10000 km per car: a travel by plane produces lots of CO2 because of the distance.
Planes are less efficient on smaller trips, because energy is needed to fly the plane up and is mostly loss when getting down. It follows that the first thing that should be done is replacing planes by train on smaller distances. China is doing so, Europe as well on a smaller scale. The USA are not.

As to meat, we can reduce our consumption without lab-grown meat by simply cooking like our grand-parents. They used half the meat and twice the vegetables, usually. Tastes good, too.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

So correct on meat portions. When I can. To the USA and thr meat was served to my place at thr table, I looked at the huge piece of steak, counted tge number of people at the table and proceeeded to slice it up fairly for thr needed portions for everyone.

To my astonishment, the waiters delivered the same huge steaks to everyone!!