• Please use real names.

    Greetings to all who have registered to OPF and those guests taking a look around. Please use real names. Registrations with fictitious names will not be processed. REAL NAMES ONLY will be processed

    Firstname Lastname


    We are a courteous and supportive community. No need to hide behind an alia. If you have a genuine need for privacy/secrecy then let me know!
  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!


  1. D

    Yet another new toy, 1200 WS Ring light with 1200WS pack battery powered!

    Fashion models coming soon!
  2. D

    A few from Sundays fashion shoot.

  3. D

    I have found the perfect RingLight lens!

    The Canon RF 35mm f/1.8 IS Macro STM Lens. It works with all the Canon AF RingLights including the ML-3 that I convert to my ML-3/200 head for use with Godox AD200 series 200 watt second flashes. It is the widest angle of view usable natively on such RingLights. This is very helpful when...
  4. D

    A few from today’s Fashion shoot.

  5. D

    Macro Macro and more Macro!

  6. D

    How much ring light flash power is enough?

    When using a Canon MP-E65 with a MR-14 at 5X magnification, How much more power would be enough? I have access to a modified ML-3 that will do 200 watt seconds TTL, will that be enough when fully stopped down at ISO 100 and full magnification?
  7. D

    Balboa Island Ferry Fashion Shoot!

    Models, Models, and more Models!
  8. D

    Using a RF 35mm f1.8 macro as a portrait lens on R body’s good or bad?

    Is using a RF 35mm f1.8 macro as a portrait lens on R body’s a good or bad idea? I use the macro because it works correctly with out an adapter with my ML-3/200 200 WS ring light. Here’s an example where my 50mm was at the very edge of being not wide enough for daylight fill and needing to be...
  9. D

    A Model from today’s shoot!

    With Canon EOS 5Ds, EF 50mm f2.5 macro, & my RingLight.
  10. D

    Help needed 3D printing a RingLight housing for AD200/PRO & 24-70 f2.8

    I have a working prototype to use on a FlashPoint/Godox AD200/PRO! I have made 4 complete plugin heads using a Canon ML-3 housing & flash tubes to mount on a AD200/PRO that is fully functional including 2 1/2 watt LED focusing lights! The ML-3/200 as I call it works very well but is not large...
  11. D

    Critique Requested Way Cute Model #2

    Yet another RingLight photo
  12. D

    Critique Requested Way Cute Model #1

    Yet another RingLight photo
  13. D

    My next project a 400WS RingLight utilizing a Godox AD400PRO as the base power pack.

    My next project a 400WS RingLight utilizing a Godox AD400PRO as the base power pack. I am waiting for Godox to release the remote head photos and start shipping them. I believe it is a viable project.
  14. D

    Flowers in my yard with the new RingLight

    For your enjoyment. All with EF 50mm f2.5 macro.
  15. D

    Fashion shoot with a chaweenie aka testing a ringlite

    Meet Gremmie.
  16. D

    Helpful Hints/D.I.Y.: Ringlite prototype location night fashion street photoshoot

    Here’s what you’ve all been waiting for my first actual photo shoot with my new godox AD200PRO ringlite!
  17. D

    Who makes a 200WS TTL ringlite for Canon EOS?

    Who makes a 200WS TTL ringlite for Canon EOS? I have a 1DXII, 5D4, 5DS, and several 7D2. In the past I have been forced to convert other MFGR to meet my needs. Hoping some MFGR now makes one?