• Please use real names.

    Greetings to all who have registered to OPF and those guests taking a look around. Please use real names. Registrations with fictitious names will not be processed. REAL NAMES ONLY will be processed

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    We are a courteous and supportive community. No need to hide behind an alia. If you have a genuine need for privacy/secrecy then let me know!
  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!


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  2. P

    Who Knew...

    ...that moths can be psychedelic.
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    Angie 2

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  5. P

    Bandeja Paisa

    There are really only two dishes Colombia is known for: one is Sancocho de Gallina found in the environs of Cali and the other (pictured) is Bandeja Paisa originating in Antioquia department. Consists of fried egg sunny side up, beans, rice, chicharróno (fried pork belly) chorizo (sausage) carne...
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    Family: Cicadellidae
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    Store Front Window Shopping Mall

    Cali, Colombia
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    A Special Moth

    According to a Colombian student of Lepidoptera this moth is identified as Eucereon albinota. It was first identified (8 kilometers from my home) in 1910 by Paul Dognin, a French entomologist whose collections are now in the National Museum of History in Washington DC. The identifier of my photo...
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    Tricky Tricky

    Look like a dangerous wasp when you're really just an inoffensive moth.
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    A Moth

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    Red In Tooth And Claw

    This is a special moth. Only 24 have been collected in Colombia and two in Ecuador. Human intervention in nature so often produced sad results. After photographing this moth having coaxed it onto a leaf I then moved it to nearby shrubbery where it would be hidden from predators. The little...
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    Automeris crtptica

    This is a special moth. Only 24 have been collected in Colombia and two in Ecuador. Human intervention in nature so often produced sad results. After photographing this moth having coaxed it onto a leaf I then moved it to nearby shrubbery where it would be hidden from predators. The little...
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    The Venezuelens

    They are camped near the bus terminal in Cali. They have fled Venezuela and once hoped to continue on from Colombia to Ecuador where they believed there were better economic opportunities. Now they don't want to go because of the devastation the virus has caused in that country and many who went...
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    Eared Jacamar

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    Morning Walk

    An Andean Motmot
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    Pigging Out

    A glutton downing the bananas I put out for the birds.
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    Cloud Forest Usual Suspects

    Metallic-green Tanager Black-capped Tanager Multicolored Tanager Saffron-crowned Tanager Golden Tanager
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    Burried Children With Dog

    Took this some years ago in Playa Huina, Chocó, Colombia
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    Feeding Family Of Five

    Colombian Chachalaca family. Two adults, three chicks and going through bananas like crazy.
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    She Forgot
